Eureka! Greetings from California!

Hicham Elmir
Cover Image for Eureka! Greetings from California!

Hey readers!

You still remember me? 😅

It has been a while since I ever thought of blogging, but I had too much going on, that being in the right mindset and headspace for writing wasn't there.

Nevertheless here I am!

Growing up and living in the Middle East for as long as I could remember, I always wanted to explore the other side of the world.

I would lie awake at night and ask myself, What is it like out there?

Fast forward till February 26th 2022, when I decided to take that leap of faith and move to California. Crossing continents and oceans.

For fun, I remember Googling California's State Motto, which was "Eureka!".

According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, it's used to express triumph on a discovery. More like a "I made it!" vibe.

I don't know about you, but that motto expressed exactly what I felt when I landed in the US for the first time.

This moment was real! I was there! I made it!

The City of Angels.

Picture of Downtown Los Angeles

Photo by Olenka Kotyk on Unsplash

Los Angeles! One of the most populated cities in the United States. Famously known for sunny climate, home of Hollywood Films and TV shows, uh... GTA.

It's worth noting that almost every kid went to LA — virtually — by playing Grand Theft Auto, Haha!

I wanted to move to LA for many reasons, from the weather, to the opportunities in my domain, but most importantly... It's because my father (God rest his soul) immigrated to California like 50 years ago and settled in this large city, where he rewrote his story and found opportunity.

My father used to tell me about his stories in LA, what he learned living in LA and what was it like back then. My window to his younger ambitious self was through this city, and I wanted to experience it all for myself. To become molded and shaped in the same land where he learned how to achieve ... "The Pursuit of Happyness" (see what I did there 😉).

Moreover, I have been fortunate enough to have good and kind people on my journey. I started climbing the ladder one step at a time, with the pinnacle milestone being an opportunity as a Senior Consultant at CGI Inc.

Hicham Elmir at CGI Office in DTLA

Closing Notes

In the end, it wasn't easy, and I have struggled with challenges, been in tough situations and had to work around obstacles in my way, so I could push through. However, I am glad and thankful for all the moments and lessons, I wouldn't change a single bit of it and I wouldn't take what I'm blessed with for granted.

I am grateful and thankful to everyone to had my back and supported me from my beloved family, to my friends and amazing team at work. To God first and last, whom without, I couldn't have been here!

I am very excited to be blogging again, and I look forward to having you join me on my future conversations and posts.
Also, I'm working my portfolio website (again) so it keeps up with the latest and greatest in web technology.

Thank you for reading! Eureka! if you made it this far 😄

See you in the next one!

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